An April Prayer – #1

Good morning! For the remainder of the month through the National Day of Prayer, our morning devotions will be prayers. Please join us as we lean into prayer and time with the Lord.

Father God, we thank you for today. We thank you for another morning where we can come to you in prayer. Thank you for blessing us with another day to share your word and love with others. Lord, thank you for never turning away from us or our prayers. Lord, when our expectations do not align with your word, your truth, and/or your timing, help us to remain faithful and continue to trust your sovereign plan.

Lord, help us to see and feel Your peace and presence with us and around us. Lord, direct our steps and continue to transform us into who you created us to be. As we go through today, help us to reflect on your goodness. Give us wisdom and discernment to listen and follow your path and plan for our lives.

Lord, we pray for those who do not have a personal relationship with you, and Lord we are standing in prayer with the wives who are praying for their husband’s salvation. We are standing in prayer with the husbands who declare ‘as for him and his household, they will serve the Lord.’ Lord, we are standing in prayer for the parents and families who are praying for their children, young adults, and adults around them to be saved. Lord, hear our prayers and turn our hearts and families back to you. Ignite the flame and create the longing in our hearts to draw near to you, to hear you, and act in obedience to your word.
Lord, watch over us and protect us as we go about this day. Watch over children who are heading to school today. Protect them from harm and from those who want to harm them. Lord, help all the children with their image of themselves and help them to see how you see them more than they see the world’s view of them. Give each child the desire and ability to do well as the school year comes to a close.

Lord, be with those who are going to work and give them safe travels. Watch over those who are working from home. Give them wisdom on the job. Give them peace with their leaders and co-workers. Improve the culture at work and make it a good environment for employees to thrive in. Lord, help us to be a godly example of leadership and influence in the workplace. Humble our hearts to show love toward those in need of you. Lord, help us to love as you love, have compassion as you have compassion, and extend grace as you extend grace.

Lord, we pray for those who are ill or not feeling well today. Lord, you know their needs and what they need today. Lord, heal their body and mind. Give comfort to those who need comforting. In Jesus name, amen.

Do you have a prayer request? We would love to pray for you. Send your prayer request to:

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