May Prayer #16

Good morning! The Lord truly loves us.

Bible Verse – 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 NLT

“14 Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life. 15He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.”


Dear God. Thank you for loving us and for accepting us. Thank you for your grace that has been given to us through Jesus. Lord, thank you for giving us grace upon grace, and for the strength to turn away from things that do not please you. Lord, as we think about our lives, we can ponder for days and years on all the reasons we should not be forgiven, but your death on the cross for our sins paid it all. Thank you for forgiveness of our sins (known and unknown). Thank you for restoring us and continuously transforming us. Lord, we can’t do this life without you. Every day we need a new measure of grace and strength that only you can provide. Lord, may Your continuous work in us bear fruit that brings you glory. May our lives point others back to you.

Lord, today we pray for our youth. Lord, we pray for those who struggled through the school year. Lord, we pray that you will give them a good reset in their environment and relationships so that they will finish out their education well. Lord, we pray for the orphaned, fostered, and displaced. Lord, you know each of their struggles with housing, homelessness, abuse, victims, survivors, and hurting. Lord, they need you. Lord, they need your protection and guidance. Lord, they need your wisdom and understanding. Lord, equip them with what they need. Lord, help them and send other Christians to stand in the gap and guide them to better paths and situations. Lord, we pray for students who are struggling with mental illness and insecurities, and we ask that you heal them and make them whole. Lord, as our youth graduate and prepare for what is ahead, guide their steps and thoughts. Give them discernment and wisdom to follow after you and the plans you have for them. Lord, keep them and sustain them. Give them hope and better opportunities than the world provides.

Lord, we pray for the parents and guardians of our youth. Lord, give them wisdom and discernment on how to raise and guide those children. Equip them to understand and demonstrate healthy love and boundaries. Give them the desire and tenacity to speak positively into their lives and course correct those children whenever it is needed. Lord, give the weary parent/guardian rest and comfort as they seek what is best for those children.

Lord, cover homes. Comfort hearts of parents whose children are graduating the k-12 system. Lord, this is where faith really hits the road. Lord, we trust you with these children and their lives as they become adults and begin to navigate this world.

Lord, continue to work in us to be godly examples to the world. Lord, may our walk with you point others to you. Lord, continue to refine us daily. Work out the toxins within us that are slow decaying our walk with you. Set those toxins ablaze so that we can focus and continue to build our relationship with you. Lord, help us to make you a priority in our lives. Help us to make our study and quiet time with you consistent. Renew us.

Lord, we want to live for you. Help us to keep our eyes focused on you and our ears attuned to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. In Jesus name we pray, amen.

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